FSG (Farming Study Group) nia reprezentante hamutuk ho KSTL halao no selebra loron trabalhador mundial iha dia 01 de maio 2013 ne'ebe hahu husi KSTL to iha Largo Lecidere. no iha okaziaun ne'e FSG mos hateten katak fubnsionario publiku sira ne'ebe hanesan siguransa sivil iha Timor Leste nia salario ne'ebe SEFOPE tau hanesan estadar minimu ne'e la propriu tanba situasaun agora iha Timor leste liu-liu iha dili ne'e kuandu siguransa sivil ne'ebe servisu iha 12 nia laran kada loron ne'e la justu no lakondis ho situasaun atual iha dili. ida ne'e ba maluk sira ne'ebe sei solteiru deit mos lato'o satan kaben nain. ne'e duni FSG liu husi nia general Diretor hateten katak guvernu no deputadu sira diak ida bele hare'e fali kestaun ne'e no adia fila fali hodi bele aumenta ba 300 dolar kada fulan no ba famila ona bele tama to'o 450 dolares amerikanu. no PM mos liu husi Jounal Timor post no Independenti hateten katak nia sei hare'e kestaun ne'e. iha fatin seluk FORAM no estudantes sira nunemos CSO sira seluk no inklui mos AST sira mos halao slebrasaun ida ne'e. FSG MEDIA.
The NGO(FSG) is by a group of Timorese who shares the same priorities and goals that focus mainly in the agricultural sector. FSG established because farmers have not benefited from the development process and their life and economic condition have not changed at the grassroots level. The objectives of the organization is to advocate for the development of the agricultural sector as a key to national development agenda for the benefits of farmers.
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