sábado, 22 de setembro de 2012

WHAT IS FSG? Introduction

Kona ba FSG


NGO Farming Study Group (FSG) is a Non-Governmental Organization founded by Timorese that prioritizes and focuses on the agricultural sector. Our organization started working and implementing a range of activities since 07 March 2004 – see list at the end of this document. FSG was established because there has not been any economic development or improvement at the grassroots level in our community, particularly at the microeconomic level for farmers.
The key goal of the organization is to help develop the agricultural sector since it is essential to our community. It should be an important sector to prioritize and focus on for the development of the nation. On this basis, and from our preliminary understanding, member of the organization started to gather ideas on how best to develop the agricultural sector and how to put agriculture forward as a national development priority. We further advocate that agriculture should not be politicized because it is a basis of survival for our community.
Approximately 85 percent of the population depends on agriculture for their livelihoods and survival. Even though the Government plans to develop the economy through oil and gas, it does not necessarily means that alone will reduce and solve the problems of poverty and be able to meet the all of the basic needs of the people, the majority of whom are subsistence farmers.

In 2004 our government did not have its own fund and is fully dependent on external donors. Our leaders were all very busy with establishing the first constitutional government.
At that time, we did not envisage to form an organization. In the initial two years between 2004 and 2006, FSG conducted media monitoring. In 2004, our monitoring findings showed that there was no media story on agriculture and the newspapers hardly ever covered articles about agricultural programs or activities. We then started to find ways to increase publicity on agricultural activities in the media by contributing articles and getting media interviews on issues around agriculture.

There were lots of activities and demands for a grassroots community organization to be set up. Members were keen to formalize the organization and to exchange ideas for the future of the organization. We have had endless discussions and debates between 2004 and 2008. When we finally draw up our formal statute at Delta I in 2008-2009, we are already very clear the kind of organization FSG should be. We want it to be truly non-governmental. We have set it up entirely based on a long and protracted process through our monitoring and assessment, where we were able to identify needs and developed the appropriate strategies.
FSG has decided that we will partners with everyone, including NGOs and institutions to assist with the facilitation of community development at the grassroots level, as long as it contributes to developing the agriculture sector in our country.
On 06 February 2012, Dr. Jose Manuel Ramos Horta, President of RDTL 2007-2012 formally endorsed FSG as a legal NGO in Timor-Leste. A year later, FSG formally become a non-governmental organization under the approval of the Ministry of Justice.

1. Vision
Campaign, advocate, Promote for priorities of farmers

2. Mission
  1. To Promote and advocate for the agricultural sector for the prosperity and interest of farmers.
  2. To ensure that farming communities are free from any form of injustice include exploitation and discrimination.
  3. To ensure that there are opportunities for all farmer and that they can participate in the decision making process as well as to ensure that the decision making process will be conducted democratically and it follows democratic principles.
  4. Support the agricultural sector to become more effective in advocating and articulating for the farming communities of Timor-Leste, especially those who are most marginalized and disadvantaged.

3. Fundamental principles
Transparency, Democratically, Equality, Accountable.
  1. Objectives
  1. To support the development of horticulture and floriculture particularly at the grassroots level to achieve sustainable economic for farmers in Timor-Leste.
  2. To build the capacity and to empower the farming community for their development.
  3. To support the community and improve their lives through agricultural development.

Our Activities:
  1. Giving information about agriculture
  2. Campaign and advocacy
  3. Conduct Research (survey/assessment)
  4. Monitor the national programs (political policy)
  5. Conduct national seminars.
Past activities;
  1. Information and distribution of seedling for farmers.
  2. Created multi-stakeholders working groups (MSG) to facilitate collaboration between government and farmer in the community level.
  3. Political level, the organization participated in the national program for seedling, now it has become a regulation at the ministerial level.
  4. Supported alternative innovation for adequate housing, for example to make bricks from red clay
  5. Organised community and facilitated aquaculture development
  6. Supported activities such as facilitated workshops and expose of agricultural produce and a range of issues concerning farmers in events such as World Food Security Day, Rural Women’s day, etc.
  7. A National Seminar on Zero Carbon
  8. Participated in Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative Timor Leste process from 2008 to 2014
  9. Provided information through videos in the villages.
  10. Became member of the UN Framework on the Convention on Climate Change, Timor Leste
  11. Created the National Community for Climate Change
  12. Resolve urban ‘kangkung – Ipomoea aquatica’ farmers’ eviction conflicts in Kaikoli
  13. Created working groups of farmers and interested individuals who wish to participate in the development of agriculture.

FSG is recognised and endorsed by:
  1. Dr. Jose Ramos Horta (President RDTL 2007-2012)
  2. Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries
  3. Secretary of states for Fisheries
  4. Institute Luta Hamutuk Timor-Leste
  5. Lao Hamutuk
  6. IEP (Institusaun Edukasaun Popular)
  7. Member of UNFCCC
  8. Read the National Data Base created by BELUN and FONGTIL

FSG receives its judiccial endorsement from the Ministry of Justice
No 196/DNRN-MJ/I/2014

Structure of organization FARMING STUDY GROUP (FSG) belong here:

Remigio Alexandre Vieira (LAKA)                                            
General Direitor FSG                                                             
Quitino Amaral (Akin
Div. General Manager FSG
Calisto da Costa                                                                    
Div. Administrasaun no Finansas FSG      
Francisco Xavier (Siku Ressi)                    
Div. Media no Advocasia FSG

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