quarta-feira, 8 de outubro de 2014

FULAN NAROMAN Kona ba partisipasaun Feto iha tempu 1976-1978

Kona ba partisipasaun Feto iha tempu
Orador: Mana FATI no Mana Merita
Moderador : Nuno Rodrigues
Notes By:
Remigio Laka Vieira

·       Mana Fati, hahu husi  mesagen ida husi Camarada Nicolau Lobato,”democrasia la lao seim partisipasaun feto, sei lalao ba oin” hateten. Kuandu Mn Fati sei 14 anos hanesan uniaun estudante Timor Leste 1974-75.
·       Aprende buat barak kona ba hakbiit partisipasaun alfabetisismu nian. No “ho pratika no istuda husi pratika hirak ne’e”.
·       Sempre iha esklaresimentu ba pratika nebe la’o.
·       No voluntariamente ho vontade ema hotu tuir no feto mos partisipa hotu husi fatin-fatin.

Mn. Merita Alves
·       Iha tempu neba Hateten inan aman konservativu tebes.
·       Feto timor atu namora arbiru ne’e difisil.
·       Tanba ne’e ih atempu neba sei iha diskriminada.
Ijemplu ida mak “festa ruma ami presija husu lisensa kuandu aseita mak bele tuir. Sei lae entaun latuir duni”.

·       Iha tempu 76-78 neba iha formasaun eskolar. Kuadu 25 sinku de abril mosu rvolusaun ne’e akontese.
Kmrd kalsona no domingus sira komesa. No nia dehan atu ami feto sira importante no presija partisipa. No Mn. Merita mos  dehan katak; Maria goreti nia iha tempu neba nia aktivu liu no iha tempu neba kedas ita iha komesa ona iha golpe. No FRETILIN halo kontra Golpe. Hau sidauk disidi atu tuir parte nebe. Maibe iha tempu neba ami nia uma iha Komite Central FRETILIN nia sorin tanba ne’e ami vizinhu ho kamarada avo Savier.
Tanba Xavier nia uma iha sorin vainhira mosu konta golpe entaun Indonesia tama.  No parakerista sira ne’e kuandu tu’un tama too ami nia uma laran. Ami sidauk hatene atu halo saida ba situasaun iha tempu neba. No ami komesa evakua ba ailaran no ami hanoin katak ami bele fila iha loron ida ou loron rua maibe ami to’o iha foho mak ami foin komprende katak ami sidauk bele fila ba vila iha tempu besik.
Entaun ami iha ailaran. No ami iha ai laran ami iha aktividade barak ne’ebe liu husi lideransa FRETILIN mai halo sensibilizasaun politika. Tuir aman sira nebe konservadores.
Kona festa entaun ami nia aman hateten katak orsida ema metan husi taibesi sira mai oho hotu imi ou istraga imi. Tanba fou-foun sira lakomprende maibe liu husi lalaok nebe CCF halo ami sempre iha koragen no bele domina no convence hanoin negative nebe mosu iha kakutak inan aman sira nebe konservativu.
Husi Kmrd KOmite sentral mai fo hanoin ami foin komprende katak feto nia partisipasaun ne’e importante liu hodi bele alkansa objetivu nasional ba libertasaun nasional.
No komesa sai organiza ema tanba ami iha kuinesimentu tanba ne’e mak sira husu ami nia partisipasaun maksimu ba situasaun difisil ne’e.
Material ne’ebe ami uza hodi hanorin sira tuir kbi’it ne’ebe iha: hanesan uza material saida mak iha sira nia sorin no iha. Hanesan fatin, fatuk ou ai nebe besik sira no utilize hanesan  maneira atu aprende buat ruma.
FRETILIN nia prinsipiu mak “trabalho na kualidade”
Programa nebe iha tempu neba iha mak  hanesan : Ba agrikultura, ba iha akrese, no logistika. No forma feto sira ba trabalho do konjuntu, nomos kooperativu
FRETILIN nia prisipiu ida mak tenki disiplina. No labele iha diskonfia malu. Hodi bele kondus ba situasaun iha luta nia laran. Maibe Ho responsabilidade.
No absorve problema liu husi linha politika FRETILIN nia ne’e mak akontese iha durasaun tinan rua entre 76-78.
Kuandu iha situasaun ameansa presija tuir koordenasaun liu husi kuadrus polikta zona ninian.
Husi prosesu hira ne’e entaun atu enkamina ba objetivu luta prolonger ba tinan naruk ninian. Entaun ami tempu neba iha hanoin oinsa bele hola malu Kaben atu nune  bele ba luta prolongada nian. Tanba situasaun nune duni. No iha programa kooperativu no partisipasaun feto nian

Forsas nian ba feto sira atu kaer kilat ba trabalho kolektividade.
No feto nia pontu nebe sira kaer dala ruma mak sira bele bobar kilat no haloot kilat no laloke matan maibe taka matan hodi halo. Ida ne’e parte ida ne’e ami halo maibe ami lakonsege kaer kilat hodi ba funu.
·       Idepois tres anos de luta iha ailaran no ikus mai  no ikus mai  ami tenki tama prizaun maibe labele desamina.
No iha tempu neba mos Camarada Niculau Lobatu dehan  tan katak “Maske feto iha Timor mate hotu ona maibe ferik ida ne’ebe sei moris mos sei kontinua lori luta ne’e ba oin nafatin” ida ne’e mak. Ida ne’e mak Mn. Merita Kapta iha tempu neba.
Kuandu sai husi prizaun ema sempre dehan “nia iha ai laran ne’e sempre hola mane arbiru” ne’e hanesan sofrementu ida nebe hatuur ita nia an atu hatene situasaun ida nebe boot liu.

Saida mak ita tenki halo?
“10 junhu hanesan mesakre craras akontese ami buka dalan oinsa lori informasaun ba liur. “ haruka informasaun ba liur. Tenik Mn. Merita
Iha mos palavras de orden iha ailaran “ o revollusionriu atu feto ga mane tenki halao deit mak nia hatene halo.” No halo derotas ba seguransa no hatene kode kuandu iha buat ruma akontese. Bainhira iha indisiplina tenki tama rai kuak.” RENAO (kampu rehabilitasaun Nasional) ida ne’e akontese kuandu maluk ida halo sala. Ijemplu “Lizeiru kman ba halao tenki ba taa akar ou fo servisu halao natar ou no halo servisu ba komunidade.
Lalebele tuur konta ema nia vida? Sei kuandu bo’ot tama raikuak no loron tenki ba halo servsiu no kalan tama rai kuak iha tempu kalan. Do iha fatin seluk ba tara nia iha au ou ai hamri’ik”. Akontese mos ami iha ailaran kuandu Kilat mota lori tenki responsabiliza. No tenki fo razaun. Tanba sa mak mota lori kilat buat hirak ne’e akontese. Satan kilat nebe mota lori ne’e komandante ida ninian.

Jose luis Oliveira Assosiasaun HAK husu
Antusiaismu iha tempu neba oinsa?
No mahi ida uluk no realidade agora oinsa?

Mana fati hatan :
uluk osan laiha, maibe ami lao maibe agora ne’e osan iha mak ba.” Uluk ne’e bele ki’ik no boot ami lao deit no halo” juventude laiha formasaun diak. No laiha bimbingan  ida ba sira.
Mana Merita hatan: UNETIL no Le’ZEAVAL
Maluk sira balun Estudantes sira hakotu ona skola  ba Rural hodi bele halo kampanha kona ba edukasaun politika ba ema hotu-hotu iha base

No estudantes sira husi Afrika fahe filamzen ba estudantes no ema hotu. Calvarinu, Sahe. OPTT no direitu Trabalhadores. So partidu uniku hakarak libertasaun nasional mak FRETILIN.
Remata husi kuarta klase tenki hanorin ona ema ho voluntariamente. no vontade.
Luta ba igualidade ne’e husi uluk kedas. Iha lima;
·       Libertinazen labele hola feto arbiru.
·       Kritika auto kritika liu husi justu korektivu. Ida ne’e eduka nia forma modu livre.
·       Kombate poligamia; labele hola mane no feto rua
·       Prostituisaun. Husu tanba sa mak tuir prostituisaun no rehabilit
·       Rehabilitasaun ba labarik (RENAL) labarik sira iha krese husi inan aman dadur hanesan Avo Xavier nia oan rua mate tuir-tuir malu. Loron ida tuir-tuir malu.

Situasaun ohin loron presija hadia mak:
Presija iha hanoin oinsa akupa ema hotu nia hanoin hodi bele iha aktividade atu nune labele hemu tua arbisru. Hanesan padre ida iha Metinaro nebe muda ema husi hemu tua iha Estrada ninin nop bele sai ema ne’ebe aktivu tanba padre halo aktividade ou fo knar diak ba sira no fahe aktividade tuir time planu nebe dirije ba sira hanesan halimar nia tempu no hamos duut iha natar laran.
Konkluzaun katak;
“Iha tempu okupasaun ita iha formasaun ida ke diak tuir disiplina no iha kritika auto kritika kuandu iha sala ruma maibe liu husi dalan egualidade generu ema ninia”.

segunda-feira, 6 de outubro de 2014

Recommendations-01,02, 03 “IMO Conventions Effective Implementations”

    World Maritime Day Conference in Timor- Leste Dili, 24/25 September 2014 Dili, 24 September 2014

“IMO Conventions Effective Implementations”

Considering that:
1. Timor-Leste, as a maritime nation, should be fully integrated into the international maritime community.
2. It has need to develop all activities and areas of intervention linked to the maritime transport sector, while ensuring and protecting human life at sea and protection of the marine environment.
3. It must have policies and rules applicable to navigation, maritime safety, maritime protection, protection of human life at sea and protection of the marine environment, as much as possible harmonized and adopted in a framework similar to the international practice.
4. Following the accession of Timor-Leste to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), under the National Parliament Resolution No. 17/2012, of 17 December, Timor-Leste must urgently.
5. Meet its other international obligations with respect to its accession to the other international maritime conventions.
World Maritime Day Conference in Timor- Leste Dili, 24/25 September 2014 Dili, 24 September 2014

Due to the convenience of ensuring the maritime safety, maritime protection, protection of the marine environment and facilitation of the maritime transport in Timor-Leste, the participants attending the World Maritime Day Conference 2014 in Timor-Leste recommend:
1. The implementation of the Organic Law of the National Directorate for Maritime Transport.
2. The accession of Timor-Leste to the main IMO Conventions, like:
a. International Convention for the Safety of Live at Sea (SOLAS 74);
b. International Convention on Ships Tonnage Measurements; (Tonnage 69);
c. International Convention on Load Lines (LL 66);
d. International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL 73/78);
e. International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watch keeping for Seafarers (STCW 78);
f. International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue (SAR 79);
g. International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness Response and Cooperation (OPRC 90);
h. Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic (FAL 65);
i. Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collision at Sea (COLREG 72); and
j. Maritime Labor Convention, (MLC 2006).
3. Drafting all relevant maritime regulations to implement Timor-Leste functions as Flag State, Port State and Costal State.
4. Request a faster response from the country to accept and become party to the main IMO Conventions and recommendations.


 World Maritime Day Conference in Timor- Leste Dili, 24/25 September 2014 Dili, 24 September 2014

“Establishment of a Search and Rescue System in Timor-Leste”
1. That Timor-Leste, as a maritime nation, should be fully integrated into the international maritime community and, above all, its need to develop all activities and areas of intervention linked to the maritime transport sector, while ensuring and protecting human life at sea and protection of the marine environment.
2. The need for policies and rules applicable to navigation, maritime safety, maritime protection, protection of human life at sea and combating marine pollution, as much as possible harmonized and adopted in a framework of international cooperation.
3. Several international Conventions give particular importance to the provision of assistance to persons in distress at sea and the establishment, by all coastal states, of adequate and effective devices for coastal monitoring and search and rescue services.
4. The accession of Timor-Leste to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), under the National Parliament Resolution No. 17/2012, of 17 December.
5. The obligations under UNCLOS, Article 98º, as following:

a) Every State shall require the master of a ship flying its flag, in so far as he can do so without serious danger to the ship, the crew or the passengers:
i. to render assistance to any person found at sea in danger of being lost;
ii. to proceed with all possible speed to the rescue of persons in distress, if informed of their need of assistance, in so far as such action may reasonably be
World Maritime Day Conference in Timor- Leste Dili, 24/25 September 2014 Dili, 24 September 2014

expected of him;
iii. after a collision, to render assistance to the other ship, its crew and its passengers and, where possible, to inform the other ship of the name of his own ship, its port of registry and the nearest port at which it will call.

b) Every coastal State shall promote the establishment, operation and maintenance of an adequate and effective search and rescue service regarding safety on and over the sea and, where circumstances so require, by way of mutual regional arrangements co-operate with neighbouring States for this purpose. 3
World Maritime Day Conference in Timor- Leste Dili, 24/25 September 2014 Dili, 24 September 2014

The convenience of coordinating national and international activities related to safety of life at sea between various governmental organizations, the participants attending the World Maritime Day Conference in Timor-Leste recommend:
1. The accession to the following international conventions:
a. International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea - SOLAS (1974);
b. International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue (1979), amended by resolutions MSC.70 (69) and MSC.155 (78);
2. The establishment of a Timorese Search and Rescue System for the provision of search and rescue services and response in maritime emergencies.
3. The design and approval by the Council of Ministers of a Timorese Search and Rescue Regulation.
4. The design and approval of a Timorese Maritime Search and Rescue Plan, in coordination with all related national entities and institutions.
5. The establishment of a coordination system and agreements with neighbouring countries for the provision of joint search and rescue services and maritime communications.
6. To the Ministry of Transport and Communications to exercise its competence as National Authority for the establishment and coordination of Search and Rescue Services, in accordance with the powers delegated by the Government.


 World Maritime Day Conference in Timor- Leste Dili, 24/25 September 2014 Dili, 24 September 2014

“Establishment of a Maritime Protection System in Timor-Leste in accordance to the ISPS Code from IMO”
1. Timor-Leste, being a maritime nation, has the duty to make travel and transport by sea as secure as possible.
2. The importance and significance of shipping to world trade and economy and being determined to safeguard the worldwide supply chain against any breach resulting from terrorist attacks against ships, ports, offshore terminals or other facilities.
3. Concern about worldwide escalation of acts of terrorism in all its forms and considering that unlawful acts against shipping jeopardize property and personal safety and security, seriously affecting the operation of maritime services and undermining people’s confidence in maritime navigation safety.
4. The new requirements from the international framework through which Governments, ships and port facilities can cooperate to detect and deter acts that threaten security in the maritime transport sector. In order to determine what security measures are appropriate, Governments must assess the threat and evaluate the risk of a potential unlawful acts.
5. That in response to major disasters, states moved towards internationalization of the law, first by the harmonization of local regulations, through bilateral treaties, agreements or understandings among the leading maritime nations and finally, through intergovernmental organizations that took over in order to encourage the adoption of international instruments to regulate safety at sea and prevention of pollution from ships.
World Maritime Day Conference in Timor- Leste Dili, 24/25 September 2014 Dili, 24 September 2014

6. Maritime Security aims to provide a standardized, consistent framework for evaluating risk, enabling Governments to offset changes in threats with changes in vulnerability for ships and port facilities through the determination of appropriate security levels and corresponding security measures. It is noted that the measures to enhance maritime security call for the establishment of appropriate operational measures and procedures to prevent unauthorized access, to prevent the introduction of unauthorized weapons, incendiary devices or explosives. It is also to provide means to ensure efficient and effective communications and to enhance awareness and vigilance. These measures have a protective character and have been developed for the purpose of preventing the occurrence of a security incident. The suppression, containment and control of a situation in case of breach of security or of a security incident, have been and remains a matter for the police and the security services of each State.
7. The ISPS Code provides a standardized, consistent framework for managing risk and permitting the meaningful exchange and evaluation of information between Contracting Governments, companies, port facilities, and ships through determination of appropriate security levels and corresponding security measures.
World Maritime Day Conference in Timor- Leste Dili, 24/25 September 2014 Dili, 24 September 2014

The necessity and convenience to implement a Maritime Protection system in Timor-Leste in compliance with the SOLAS Convention in general and specifically with the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code from the International Maritime Organization, the participants attending the World Maritime Day Conference in Timor-Leste recommend:
1. The accession of the following international conventions:
a. The International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974;
b. The International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code);
c. The Suppression of Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of Maritime Navigation 1988 (SUA Convention, including the 1988 and 2005 Protocols);
2. The adoption of the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code). In essence, the Code regulates risk management activity to ensure ship and port facilities security and to determine what security measures are appropriate through a risk assessment made on individual case basis.
3. The adoption of a Regulation for the Enhancement of Maritime Protection.
4. To train and appoint Port Facility Security Officers for Timor-Leste’s ports with international interface.
5. To develop and approve the following:
a. Port Facility Security Assessment for maritime ports of Timor-Leste.
b. Port Facility Security Plan for ports of Timor-Leste with international interface.
c. Ship Security Plan for Berlin-Nakroma and to other Timor-Leste ships which transport passengers and/or with international trade.
6. To grant Statements of Compliance (SoC) to those ports which comply with the ISPS Code.
