segunda-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2013

Season's greetings Dear Friends of the EITI

Clare Short
To ; FSG General Director

Dear Friends of the EITI,

The EITI underwent a major shift in 2013. The EITI Standard was launched, significantly increasing the ambition and reach of EITI; efforts were made to increase coverage and use of data; and there were commitments from major new resource rich countries to join the EITI movement. The EITI can now truly claim to be a global Standard.

The EITI Standard makes the EITI more meaningful and more comprehensive
The Standard, which replaces the EITI Rules, moves the process beyond a tick-box exercise to make it more adaptable to the needs of each country and more easily linked to wider reform efforts. The Standard requires the

Our priority in 2014 will be to roll out the EITI Standard to make the EITI more useful to all stakeholders. We will also seek to reach out to more countries.

Use of EITI data
Thirty-five countries have now disclosed their key extractive data. The EITI infographic competition provided an opportunity to illustrate data on the payments from oil, gas and mining to highlight specific issues in the extractives sector. The submissions were creative and told unique stories. It was inspiring to see how the complex EITI data could be presented in a way to make the EITI more intelligible to citizens.

The business case for the EITI is becoming stronger with EITI data helping company decisions and helping countries make their tax collection equitable and efficient. Eight additional companies declared their support to the EITI in 2013.

Delivering results
At the end of this year, almost 200 fiscal years and well over a trillion dollars of taxes and royalties will have been covered by EITI reports. In Nigeria, the EITI process uncovered vast discrepancies between what the government has received and what they should have received. For the three-year period 2009-2011, these Nigeria EITI Reports revealed that a company owed tax payments adding up to US
$8.3 billion. That is more than the Federal Government spent on education in the same period. As a consequence US $443 million has already been recovered into state coffers. Nigeria EITI is committed to conduct further investigation of the missing payments in collaboration with tax collection agencies.

As part of their EITI, in 2013 Liberia performed what they called a “Post Award Process audit”, which looked at 68 contracts that had been awarded. The Economist commented "The audit found that 62 of the 68 concessions ratified by Liberia’s parliament had not complied with laws and regulations”. The government is exploring these cases the policy, legal and legislative implications.

EITI for all resource-rich countries
This year has brought about a significant growth in countries implementing the EITI. Honduras, the Philippines, Senegal, Tajikistan and Ukraine all became full reporting countries in 2013, bringing the total number to 41. The United States, Ethiopia, and Papua New Guinea have recently submitted Candidature applications; Colombia and Myanmar are preparing theirs; Australia is conducting an EITI pilot, and France, Italy and UK have begun the implementation process.

Thank you to the Board and all EITI stakeholders around the world
I want to thank the Board and the whole EITI family for the tremendous work that has been done in this past year. Developing the new Standard was not without its challenges, but we now have a Standard that will help us better achieve the objectives we set ourselves when the EITI Principles were adopted. It was time to evolve from a process that encouraged the meeting of our requirements to one that really encourages better governance of the extractive sector.

I look forward to working with you all over the next two years. I hope and believe that the EITI, when incorporated into broader reform efforts in countries, will make an important contribution towards ensuring that citizens of resource rich countries enjoy the benefits of their natural resources.

Best wishes for 2014,

Clare Short
disclosure of licensing information, more transparency in the activities of state-owned enterprises, more information on the transfers to local government, the disclosure of social expenditures by companies where contractually or legally required, and information on where the revenues end up inside the government’s budget. The Standard requires all EITI Reports to show payments by each company. It includes further assurances about the reliability of the data. The Standard also encourages disclosure of beneficial ownership and contracts.

terça-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2013

FSG husu Deputadu no Membru Guvernu labele ejije de'it CSO atu ba demo maibe sira mos tenki tu'un ba demo ne'e diak liu

hau hanesan CSO husi FSG (Farming Study Group) Timor Leste husu ba maluk sira hotu!!! sei hakarak ba demo ne'e labele husu ba agrikulture de'it. Maibe husu mos ba membru guvernu hotu nebe han osan mina povu nian barak liu ne'e, mak tenki ba demo no sira mak lolos kualia barak no halo negosio. Nunemos husu ba maun alin sira ne'ebe gasta osan mina durante ne'e haruka sira hapara servisu ba demo. Tanba sira mak uza barak osan mina ne'e. no tanba sa obriga ita atu ba demo tan. ne'e logika ka lae??? no sira mak uza ba rai liur no sai riku matak tan agora sira obriga ita atu ba demo ne'e oinsa?? PN iha knar bo'ot sira mak han osan barak povu nian no ex deputadu sira mak han osan povu nian. tanba sa sira nonok de'it? no Guvernu mak tenki iha knar hodi ba negosia tanba sa mak husu ba agrikulture sira atu ba demo. hau hanoin hanesan ne'e orgaun ha'at iha rai ne'e kbi'it laiha ga oinsa??no tanba sa kbi'it ne'e nato'on liu ona. kenta foin arepende karik. ita mak ba halo sira nia oan sira mak ba goza. povu kiak nafatin. nomos husu PN atu tu'un mai demo iha Embaisada nia oin. labele tu'ur deit iha AC laran.

segunda-feira, 9 de dezembro de 2013

  1. [PDF]

    Regarding outreach activities, Timor-Leste participated in the EITI 5th Global .... Remigio Viera Laka;(. ) Director of Farming Study Group. Industries;. Angelina ...
  2. Remigio laka Vieira (RemigiolakaViei) on Twitter esta página
    The latest from Remigio laka Vieira (@RemigiolakaViei). I don't care who you are as ... ACTIVITIES AREA of (FSG's) FARMING STUDY GROUP Timor Leste ...
  3. Twitter / RemigiolakaViei: FARMING STUDY GROUP (FSG) Timor ... esta página
    26/02/2013 - FARMING STUDY GROUP (FSG) Timor Leste: FSG's Statement site for ... Don't miss any updates from Remigio laka Vieira Join Twitter today ...
  4. MDG sei redus ki'ak ba pursentu 14 - Jornal Business Timor
    ... ki'ak iha Timor Leste, Farming Study Group (FSG) hala'o semináriu loron ida ... Tuir Diretór Jerál FSG ne'ebé sai mós oradór, Remigio Laka Vieira hateten, ...
  5. Timor-Leste EITI Multi Stakeholder Group | FARMING STUDY ... esta página
    30/08/2013 - Remigio Vieira Laka, Alternate Director of FSG, CSO Rep. Fernando da ... ACTIVITIES AREA of (FSG's) FARMING STUDY GROUP Timor Leste.
  6. FSG husu PR HORTA Kansela Osan Deve | FARMING STUDY ...
    05/12/2011 - TIMOR POST, Sesta 02 Dezembru 2011, Pagina ekonomia, 06. ... Farming Study Group (FSG), Remigio Laka Vieira, (01/12) ba Timor Post iha Bebora, Dili. ... seidauk garante necesidade povu nian iha teritoriu Timor Leste.
  7. FSG Husu Doadores Lalika fo Projetu Arbiru ba Sosiedade Sivil
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  8. Notisia | FSG Konsedera OGE 2012 Haluha Agrikultores
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  10. TIMOR: Februari 2012
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