quinta-feira, 12 de setembro de 2013

hau agradese ba maluk sira hotu ne'ebe hurseik ba tuir lansamentu livru Poema 111 no episode 22, Tenik Remigio Laka

LAKA congratulating for Participant
hau agradese ba maluk sira hotu ne'ebe hurseik ba tuir lansamentu livru Poema 111 no episode 22 nebe hau ho hau nia kolega sira husi membru FSG iha kalisto no S.E. Deputado PN no Guvernu lansa ona hurseik iha dia 11 de setembru 2013. nebe orgaun kompenenti sira reprezenta ba hotu..tanba ne'e hau hakarak kongratula maluk sirahotu nia prejensia...hanesan S.E. Deputadu PN, Parte Guvernu husiMinisterio Edukasaun, nunemos husi Sosiedade Sivil Sira hotu ne'ebemarka prejensa. nune mos ba hau nia kolega sira iha INSTITUISAUN LUTAHAMUTUK, nunemos ba BARTO husi membru RENETIL hanesan hau nia kolegahusi MALANG, no ba Direitor Geral Miniterio Edukasaun, no ba MaunZequeto, maun AKARA, Membru FSG Kalisto ne'e hamutuk, ba ZeniltonZeneves ne'ebe marka prezensa mos, nunemos ba JORNALISTA RTL no TimorPost ne'ebe tuir. hanesan Autor hau fo agradese bo'ot ba maluk sirahotu nia laran luak no soe tempu ba lansamentu livru poema hirakne'e. Abraco!! A Luta Kontinua!!!! hau mos hakarak agradese ba maluksira ne'ebe hau konvida maibe lakonsege tuir hanesan Madre no Padre sira!! nunemos ba sira seluk hotu.

 other document relevant bellow here:

Laka talking

Ano Shering some knowledge about Art.

Government Representative by Ministry Of Education Timor Leste 

Sandra Tilman (Poetor)

member of National PN and Government

My college Ano Artman and Sandra Tilman

The National Parliament Talking appreciation for

National Parliament member Talking

Calisto FSG Member showing the LAKA's Books

Gov and NP Signing for LAKA's Poem booker

LAKA Together with the participant from left to Right (Elcano, Ano, Zequeto,Ligia, Laka, NP, Gov, Sandra T., and Ex. Ministry Ekonomic and Development Timor Leste, Director Of Luta Hamutuk Institute S.E. Mericio Akara).

(Ano, LAKA, Sandra Tilman)

LAKA congratulating and welcome for all Participant about the book poem SEI KARIK HAU BELE launching.

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