National Database update - April - June 2013
Belun and the Database Network (FONGTIL and Fundasaun Alola) provide
civil society / organization project information to the all
beneficiaries or development partners (Government, NGOs, Bilateral and
The Database strengthens relations and coordination between donors for
community development projects, and assists government institutions and
civil society organizations to run programs that complement the National
Development Strategic Plan.
The Database also prevents the duplication of project objectives by government or civil society programs.
To access the latest organization and project information for civil society implement in Timor Leste, click here to download general organization contact information.
Please lets us know if you have any request about data and any questions.
Database Nasional Atual - Abril - Juñu 2013
Belun ho Rede Database Nasional (Fundasaun Alola ho FONGTIL) fornese
informasaun konaba organizazasaun kontaktu no projetu husi organizasaun
nian ba benifisiariu no parseiru dezenvolvimentu (Governu, ONGs,
Bilaterais no Ajensia sira)
Informasaun Database ida ne’e atu hametin relasaun no koordenasaun
entre duadores ba projetu dezenvolvimentu komunidade, no ajuda
instituisaun governu ho organizasaun sosiedade sivil atu halao no
kompleta planu stratejiku programa Dezenvolvimentu Nasional.
Database ida ne’e mos atu prevene duplikasaun ba programa eh projetu
ne’ebé implementa husi organizasaun sosidade sivil no governu.
Atu asesu informasaun foun konaba organizasaun no projetu husi sosiedade sivil ne’ebé implementa iha Timor Leste klike iha ne'e ba transferensia/download.
Favor fo hatene fali mai ekipa servisu rede database bainhira iha rekerementus ruma ou perguntas.
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