The NGO(FSG) is by a group of Timorese who shares the same priorities and goals that focus mainly in the agricultural sector. FSG established because farmers have not benefited from the development process and their life and economic condition have not changed at the grassroots level. The objectives of the organization is to advocate for the development of the agricultural sector as a key to national development agenda for the benefits of farmers.
quarta-feira, 18 de novembro de 2015
Estatuta Forum da Juventude CPLP
Estatutos do Fórum da Juventude da Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa
terça-feira, 3 de novembro de 2015
Loron Aihan Mundial nomos Loron Feto Rural mundial iha Timor Leste iha 22 ate 23 de outubru 2015 FSG fasilita
FSG, LAKA introdus kona ba Filmazen sira nebe hasai ba loron aihan mundial no loron feto rural nian iha tempu kalan dia 22 de outubru 2015 |
FINI sira ne'ebe groupu feto sira kria iha Manatuto nebe FSG hamutuk ho Parseirus MSG sira servisu hamutuk hodi promove fini sira nebe komunidade Feto rural sira kria rasik iha manatuto |
Vice Ministru Estatal Fo mso hanoin sira kona ba interligadu ba servsisu hamutuk husi MSG sira no komunidade nian |
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